STORM UPDATE: The City of Warren has completed the 65 miles of main roads earlier today. Since about 3 pm we have been plowing the neighborhood roads. The City of Warren is in the process of completing the Monday sanitation route and are beginning the Tuesday sanitation route. This was a very WET snow* and that created problems with the snow more likely to be thrown onto residential sidewalks and driveways.  Mayor Jim Fouts has requested that DPW drivers slow down so as to avoid this. However, the drivers can only slow down so much or they are not able to effectively plow the street. The current crew will go home at 11 pm until 7 am Sunday and they will be replaced by another crew. All hands ( full crew ) on deck at 7 am Sunday until they are finished with the neighborhood streets sometime later on Sunday. The roads will be salted tonight and that includes a mix of salt brine which helps to melt the ice. Salt rock is only effective up to 23 degrees but with salt brine it can be effective at 0 degrees.  Our DPW workers have the task of plowing 400 miles of roads including 65 miles of main and 335 miles of neighborhood roads.

Mayor Jim Fouts wants to highly commend the City’s DPW workers for their effort at doing a good job under difficult conditions.

Warren police have issued a combination of warning tickets and tickets. Some people have contacted me about neighbors who never take their vehicles off the road.  Those chronic problems will be ticketed! Police also want to show compassion and concern for people who are sick, people who do not have a driveway, and those physically unable to move their car. There are also other unique conditions that mandate flexibility on the part of the police. Warren police will be firm but fair with everyone.