Warren will again host a COVID-19 vaccine fair on Thursday’s and Friday’s each week from 3-8 PM in light of the dangerous COVID variants sweeping India. India which is only 2% vaccinated has now developed highly dangerous variants. These variants called B1.617 and an even more worrisome virus B1.17 are hitting India like a tidal wave.
These variants have re-infected a number of vaccinated Indian doctors! Since India is the largest country in the world with about 1.5 billion people it’s likely that it’s only a matter of time before it comes to the United States. A virus like COVID-19 left without the important herd immunity of 75% – 80% of the population will develop into stronger more dangerous variants.
Everyone should reconsider getting the shot as it will only get worse before it gets better if more are not fully vaccinated!  Why gamble with your life and/or your family’s life? This new variant is affecting much younger people and babies as old as two months!
Mayor Fouts wants everyone to celebrate the 4th of July this year and enjoy a baseball and football game, but that is only possible if we reach 75-80% herd immunity! Again, we plan on the vaccine fair from 3-8 PM on Thursday and Friday.  This will be a drive-thru and we will again be using Johnson & Johnson vaccine as it’s now proven safe by the CDC.