Warren Vaccination Efforts Continue and Expand

Second Dose of Vaccination Partnership with McLaren Health and Walgreens Begins Today at City Hall

Next week April 8 – Johnson and Johnson Drive-thru begins at City Hall


Yesterday, Warren Mayor James Fouts and Macomb County Executive Mark Hackel announced a partnership between the city and county to administer vaccines in a drive-thru clinic at Warren city hall administering Johnson and Johnson. That partnership, which has been in the planning stages for over a month, begins next Thursday, April 8 from 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm and will run for four consecutive weeks – Thursday-Sunday. Residents can sign up for appointments for that effort starting April 5 on the Macomb County Vaccine Web Portal at macombgov.org/vaccinecentral and click on:

Warren Civic Center Garage Drive-Thru

Also accessible on our city of Warren website at: https://www.cityofwarren.org and click on vaccine information.

Reminder to everyone that today, March 31 thru Friday, April 2 at Warren City Hall the vaccine clinic that began three weeks ago under a partnership with McLaren Health and Walgreens continues with second shots being administered. Everyone who received a shot in the first round should come at their appointed time.


Over the last several weeks, Michigan has experienced a steep rise in the number of coronavirus cases in our communities. As a result, it is vital we get as many of our residents equipped to fight off the virus with safe and effective vaccines right here at city hall. Everyone who participated in our first vaccine clinic needs to remember their second dose appointment time and come to city hall to get their shot. Others who still need a vaccine should sign up to come to city hall starting next Thursday, April 8 on the website for our drive through vaccine clinic.


My administration has been working since the start of the pandemic to help residents in need of food aid to get free food baskets in a partnership with Forgotten Harvest Food Bank each Monday in front of city hall. We also built a partnership with Wayne State Health to offer free COVID-19 testing in front of city hall each Thursday and Saturday, that also continues. Now we are expanding and accelerating our vaccination efforts again right here at city hall. The best way to get through this pandemic and back to normal is by working in partnership with others and focusing on the primary needs of our residents. That is where the focus of my administration has been and will stay. Warren is a tough and hardworking community, and we will get through these challenges together.