At age 2 in 2010 Aaron Wright suffered a severe brain injury when a building that he was in collapsed. Afterwards he was near death and has had 19 surgeries as a result of his brain injury. He is a very loving and happy little boy. This good attitude despite the fact that he now suffers from hydrocephalus. He has a drain tube from his head that runs to the end of his spinal cord and then drains to his stomach. His father Michael suffers from emphysema and COPD and recently found a spot on his lung.
His mother was going school but had to stay home to take care of her four children. His mother, Christina, is a super mom!
Their lawsuit against the building only resulted in a $50,000 settlement by a high profile attorney. Aaron needs at least $10,000 for additional medical care. This is a good Warren family and they live in South Warren.
If ever there was a good reason to give to a great cause this is such a cause. Attached are a few photos from Aaron’s visit with the Mayor me a few weeks ago.
In addition to his public support for the Fundraising Campaign, Warren Mayor Jim Fouts wants to make sure there is adequate funding for this young man, and in order to help him reach his goal, Mayor Fouts donated over $1,100 toward the GoFundMe Campaign goal.
The link below has additional information for Aaron.
Please consider Aaron and his Warren family, as any donation could help make a difference!