Four City of Warren CERT Members Receive President’s Volunteer Service Award Friday, September 14

Four Warren CERT members will be honored by Mayor Jim Fouts for receiving the President’s Volunteer Service Award.

A special ceremony will be held Friday, September 14 at 3:30 p.m. in the Mayor’s Office.


Those being honored are Michael Riley, CERT director; Michael Rose II, CERT deputy director; Jo Ann Christian, CERT coordinator, and Ron Mesic, CERT coordinator.  All received the CERT Lifetime Achievement Award.

Fouts said the four members of the Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) each volunteered over 7000 hours.

“CERT members are truly the unsung heroes during emergency situations,” said Mayor Fouts in a statement.

Through proper training and preparedness, CERT is instrumental in assisting professional emergency responders in the event of natural or manmade disasters, as well as training to be prepared for local and natural disasters.

CERT members are trained and certified in a number of different training sessions that include first-aid/CPR/AED, traffic control, downed wires/electrical safety, and verbal Judo to name a few.

The Mayor of Warren praised CERT for “helping in emergency situations freeing first responders to provide essential services.”

The President’s Volunteer Service Award, the premier volunteer awards program, reflects a lifelong commitment to building a stronger nation through volunteer service.