City of Warren – Power Outage Update – Mayor Jim Fouts
Mayor James Fouts has just concluded an emergency meeting with key staff members regarding the damaging wind storm yesterday. This storm has adversely affected at least 10,000 Warren residents. This is a record storm for power outages in Warren and the metro area. Because of the large number of outages in the state (675,000). It is estimated that it will take at least a WEEK or more to restore power. Added to the fact that Warren will have very cold temps for at least a week, high winds, and record cold this weekend. Mayor James Fouts will be signing an emergency purchase order for restoration of power to the police station and other areas. Warren will also be opening up the Community Center as an emergency warming center. Those without power will be able to stay until power is restored. The City of Warren should have this up later this afternoon. Warren will also provide transportation to and from the Warren Community Center. Warren CERT (emergency volunteers) will man the emergency heating center. CERT volunteers also helped out with downed wires and traffic control yesterday and today!
Mayor Fouts has given an order to Gus Ghanam, Director of the Department of Public Works to purchase emergency generators and space heaters for needy and high priority residents.
Mayor Fouts has also contacted some church leaders for additional assistance. Warren will have assistance for food and coffee at the Community Center later on today. Fire dept. will be available to assist in transporting disabled residents to the emergency center. Mayor Fouts will be requesting help from the state and the federal government. Make no mistake about this-this is an EMERGENCY. With cold temps and high winds this could be a life or death situation!
UPDATE # 2: The City of Warren, has thus far, been unable to find places to purchase generators. If anyone knows of a place, please contact the Mayor of Warren’s office at 586-574-4520. In addition, the Salvation Army will serve soup, chili, pizza, and sandwiches tonight. Also, hot and cold beverages. They will offer beverages and sandwiches for breakfast on Friday. Mayor James R. Fouts will be monitoring the situation tonight as well as the weekend.
UPDATE # 3: Mayor Fouts has just concluded a request to Congressman Sander Levin’s office. Mayor Fouts has requested immediate help from the federal government regarding assistance for the 10,000 people in Warren who will have no power in frigid conditions for at least one WEEK. The Mayor told them this is an emergency and the City of Warren needs help in the form of federal assistance for restoring power (that DTE is unable to do), providing emergency generator help, providing emergency space heaters and other forms of help. The Mayor indicated that Warren is the hardest hit city in Macomb County and are deserving of his assistance immediately. Mayor Fouts feels that Warren could use troops to help restore the wires and especially the many that are live wires since DTE is unable to take care of them. The City of Warren needs more manpower for restoration and the 1-2 weeks cited by the companies are unacceptable. This restoration could be done with U.S. troops and/or personnel.
UPDATE # 4: Mayor Fouts is happy to note that The City of Warren has now secured a limited number of generators ( or will soon ) but may need many more. Also, The City of Warren is working on getting space heaters as well. Warren hopes to be able to team up two neighbors to use one generator. But they have to be properly hooked up. And they have to be refilled. Not exactly easy for a senior or disabled person to do. Also, the community center will have cots available for a large number of people to sleep on tonight. And of course, there will be hot meals. The City of Warren will also have Warren Police to protect and assist all night and day.
UPDATE # 5: The City of Warren has taken care of a number of people who have contacted The Mayor for help. Showers available at the Warren Community Center for those without heat. All Warren residents are free to come to our warming center tonight after 6PM for hot food, hot coffee, and a hot shower! The City of Warren has taken care of some seniors who had a plumbing problem, and offered help to move them elsewhere and will continue to monitor them for additional help. Most have preferred to go elsewhere or stay at home. The City of Warren has generators and space heaters available on a limited basis for those with great health needs. Mayor Fouts has approved the purchase of generators and heaters for those in great need. Mayor Fouts has arranged for several churches on call for additional help. Special thanks to Bishop Andre and Bishop Cast.
Mayor Fouts greatly appreciates the help of Chaplin Donald Rice, Bishop Andre, who personally visited the home of a 92 year old Warren female, and Bishop Cast and Pastor Youmans, who have volunteered their churches are also greatly appreciated.