Mayor Fouts fully supports the Warren Police department’s efforts to make the City’s neighborhoods safer, regardless of the criticism from out-of-town negative nay-saying ministers.
Regarding Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Fouts appreciates the reconsideration by President Cecil St. Pierre and the majority opinion to stick with the proposed detention basin to help alleviate flooding in the City of Warren. Regarding Tuesday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Fouts appreciates the reconsideration by President Cecil St. Pierre and the majority opinion to stick with the proposed detention basin to help alleviate flooding in the City of Warren. Most notable of the out-of-town negative nay-sayers is Rev. Rideout, who has protested everyone from Donland Trump, McDonalds, Comcast, to multiple Police Depeartmetns across the state of Michigan.
The Mayor finds an interesting pattern emerging with the so-called ministers who have disrupted several Warren City Council meetings which is as follows:
1)Reverend Rideout, Pastor Bill Barnwell, and Pastor Mo are very harsh and highly critical.
2)Reverend Rideout, Pastor Bill Barnwell, and Pastor Mo seem to be extremely angry.
3)Reverend Rideout, Pastor Bill Barnwell, and Pastor Mo have threatened some City of Warren Council members and the Mayor.
4)Reverend Rideout, Pastor Bill Barnwell, and Pastor Mo are very supportive of Councilwoman Kelly Colegio.
(important to note that Bill Barnwell is the husband of City Treasurer Lorie Barnwell.)
5)Reverend Rideout, Pastor Bill Barnwell, and Pastor Mo appear to support a boycott of Warren businesses.
6)In some cases, they have made aggressive gestures with their hands and even slammed the microphone.
7)Reverend Rideout, Pastor Bill Barnwell, and Pastor Mo are not residents of Warren.
8)Reverend Rideout, Pastor Bill Barnwell, and Pastor Mo are highly critical of the Warren Police Department.
9)The Churches in which Reverend Rideout, Pastor Bill Barnwell, and Pastor Mo preach are not located in the City of Warren, nor are its members residents of our City.
This greatly contrasts with ministers who have supported the Mayor and are very patient, considerate, and respectful. Pastor Terry Frazier, Bishop Andre, and Pastor Don Rice, who are all residnets of Warren, as are their congregations. They don’t condemn and have a sincere attitude to help.
Which would you prefer as your minister? The latter group that is positive and supportive or the first group that is negative and nasty.
The negative-minded ministers have called for a boycott of Warren businesses that support Mayor Fouts. This is shortsighted thinking to say the least. Mayor Fouts’ administration is working hard to encourage businesses to expand in the City of Warren, regardless of their support for any elected official. It would seem that these negative naysayers want to boycott a business that brings property tax revenues to Warren. Clearly these nasty naysayers don’t seem to understand that businesses pay the majority of property taxes in the City of Warren. And it is these taxes that help the City of Warren pay for its outstanding Police, Fire and EMS services, as well as our other services such as “blight”, nuisance and abatement removal, rental homes inspections that are models for other cities, and numerous other services and amenities available to the residents of Warren.
These mean-spirited naysayers mean to drive businesses and jobs out of the City of Warren while our administration is doing everything we can to keep businesses, tax revenues and jobs in our city.
Mayor Fouts stated that “In all of my years in government, I have never heard of such a counterproductive idea. The out-of-town ministers are letting their political views (and their desire to be on TV!) get in the way of sound judgment.”
And followed up with “I urge all Warren residents to patronize, not boycott, our businesses so they can thrive. Reject any boycott of any businesses in our city unless they are hurting our city in some way. “
Mayor Fouts fully supports the Warren Police department’s efforts to make the City’s neighborhoods safer, regardless of the criticism by these out-of-town negative nay-saying ministers.