Warren City Hall will light up red, green, blue and teal from dusk tonight, April 17 until dawn tomorrow on Thursday, April 18 to bring public attention to the following awareness campaigns:
Alcohol Awareness – Founded and sponsored by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (now Facing Addiction with NCADD), Alcohol Awareness Month was established in 1987 to help reduce the stigma so often associated with alcohol addiction by encouraging communities to reach out to the American public each April with information about alcohol, alcohol addiction, and recovery.
Autism Awareness – Nearly a quarter century ago, the Autism Society launched a nationwide effort to promote autism awareness, inclusion and self-determination for all, and assure that each person with ASD is provided the opportunity to achieve the highest possible quality of life.
Donate Life Awareness – National Donate Life Month (NDLM) was established by Donate Life America and its partnering organizations in 2003. Celebrated in April each year, Donate Life Month features an entire month of local, regional and national activities to help encourage Americans to register as organ, eye and tissue donors and to celebrate those that have saved lives through the gift of donation.
Sexual Assault Awareness – Sexual Assault Awareness Month is a campaign to raise public awareness about sexual violence and educate communities on how to prevent it.
April is the awareness month for each of these campaigns.