Below is a list of actions Warren Mayor Fouts has immediately issued to protect City of Warren citizens:

1) Moratorium on Water shutoffs.
2) Friday Closure of Warren Community Center, Fitzgerald Recreation Center, and Owen Jax Center thru the end of March. Transportation for seniors and those with special needs will remain active. Meals on Wheels at Owen Jax will also tentatively remain active. Civic Theater Productions on hold.
3) Fire and Police have protocol for assessing potential patients with coronavirus.
4) All non-essential persons prohibited from senior housing facilities at Stilwell and Joseph Coach. All gatherings for various activities such as St. Patrick’s Day, Bingo, Euchre, and other such events cancelled.
5) Human Resources will be issuing guidelines to all employees regarding proper steps to take to limit exposure.
6) Building Maintenance will have stepped up efforts to sanitize all publicly utilized areas, including railings, elevators, door knobs and counter tops. This includes repeated cleaning throughout the day.
7) All children’s toys have been removed from Libraries and additional efforts have been issued involving cleaning kiosks and keyboards, and patrons will be scanning their own library cards.
8) City inspectors also have protocol in place to assess the homes/facilities before they enter.

Warren Mayor Fouts has met with several religious leaders and school officials and both have taken proper precautionary efforts and will cooperate and collaborate with the city to protect their parishioners. I will discuss more of this later.