Statement by Warren Mayor Jim Fouts On His Veto of Three Medical Marijuana Items Approved at the August 28, 2018 City Council Meeting
Item 14c
Request to direct the City Attorney to request the Administration approve the establishment of a RFP Committee for the purpose of selecting a firm to provide expert review of Medical Marijuana applications.
Statement By Mayor Fouts
“Expert review of medical marijuana applications can be done by zoning inspectors in the city’s Building Inspections Division. If this responsibility is given to an outside firm, it would duplicate the work of the zoning inspectors and cause unnecessary overlapping and confusion. This is a city administrative function, and there is no need to spend tax dollars on hiring an outside firm.”
Item 14f
(Added) Proposed Amendment to the Medical Marijuana Facility Measurement Amendment; to amend Appendix A, Section 4G.07 to clarify the medical marijuana facility measurements. (Second Reading)
Statement By Mayor Fouts
State law and the city ordinance mandates that all zoning and amendments to zoning be considered by the city Planning Commission that will hold public hearing to listen to comments and questions by residents. This is a violation of state law and city ordinances. Also, the distance requirements are not clear and need clarification.”
Item 14g
(Added) CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION approving the declaration to begin accepting Medical Marijuana Applications beginning September 10, 2018.
Comments By Mayor Fouts
“It is unreasonable to expect the building inspections division to be prepared to accept medical marijuana facility applications beginning September 10, 2018. I call this a ‘rush to judgement’ because the building division was not consulted.